Build a luxury Brand

You're a busy entrepreneur and you don't need to be bothered with things like figuring out how to brand yourself as the authority in your industry. We will do the heavy lifting for you....

Ready to be a Fierce Leader in Your Industry?

Make your brand speak for itself...

Someone as special as you shouldn't search, but attract...

The most powerful move you can make as a business owner is to have a brand that tells a story that makes others jump at the idea of being part of your mission and vision.

Gone are the days that you have to search for clients... WE don't play that here.

Our business-hack for you is to have a brand that gets people turned on and excited just by looking at it. To connect with them as if telling THEIR story...

We are SO over the traditional ways of cookie cutter graphics in the online space. Such a bore...

We are here to create chaos with our clients to show YOU off as the true authority in YOUR industry and make YOU incredibly affective in imprinting yourself in their mind (kind of like magic! Without the magic...per se...) and continue growing your mission and vision for YOUR business.

Isn't it your turn to turn heads and win?

Because we are in the game of making winners win...



Invest in yourself and stop doing all the heavy lifting, you're too extraordinary to do everything yourself.

In return, because we are HUGE gift givers, when you start working with us you will receive an exclusive bonus...

Love letters from my clients...


Riot Branding was able to execute the vision I had for my rebrand with precision and speed. We had a detailed discussion about what feelings I wanted to invoke, and who my target audience is and they designed an on-brand aesthetic of their own talented creation.

I had been hitting a creative wall, unable to feel the inspiration to design templates for my Instagram. Because of their work, I now have a baseline to work with so I can continue growing my business and attracting my ideal clients on a platform I had been ignoring for months. They truly captured the dark femme-fatale theme I was aiming for, and I look forward to seeing more of their unique designs in the future.


Riot Branding started because Domina Rose found great passion from creating and designing her own brand. As an artist and designer, she fell in love with being able to create something out of nothing that she could then showcase to her audience.

Then, recognition for the brand began as they were captivated by the graphics, the color choices, and the mystique that the brand would evoke.

It wasn't long before clients began to come to her, asking her to help them with their branding and make their brands as luxurious and as mysterious as hers, so that they too could evoke the same types of experience that her work was doing to them.

Domina's philosophy for her work is that branding is one of many foundational piece to begin building off from. It is through human psychology that you can understand that us humans are very visual creatures, therefore, if as business owners we can have a brand that automatically draws your eye in, now you have captured someone's attention and through the work that you do, is how you keep their attention. She integrates experiential branding into her work with you so your clients become RAVING fans.

By working with us to ELEVATE your brand, you are not only getting a brand foundation, you are simultaneously learning the skills to bring what we create into everything else that YOU create, whether it be copy, reels, audio, etc. You get the tools by working with us to create a visually captivating aesthetic so that you can continue growing alongside your brand for years to come.

Branding is not just a logo and some colors. It's a vibe!

Come see some of our work...

We're ready to make you irresistible...

Someone as special as you shouldn't search, but attract...

Whether its a logo, a banner for your facebook group, designing your business cards, or a complete revamp to create your brand into a high-end success. You let us know and we take care of the rest.

We are the Michelangelo to your Sistine chapel...

Because we design very differently, we think of YOU every step of the way in the designing process. We are your biggest cheerleaders and we consider ourselves your team of visionaries.

We take branding very seriously, so we will take your vision an add another zero to the end. With that idea in mind, we will push your limits, see your brand further so you can take it farther than you could even imagine, then that is our starting point.

Imagine what you could accomplish if you had that type of designer in your back pocket.


We are not JUST brand designers. We are brand consultants and more, because let's be real...brand designers are boring because of the one dimensionality.

Turn your brand into a luxury while making that $$$ effortlessly.

Come take a seat, we'll take care of the rest...

More love letters from my clients...


I’ll definitely recommend working with Riot Branding as they have such a different perspective on branding as being true to yourself, not creating a likable media personality.

Thank you very much!

Don't worry, we won't bite, unless you want us to...

Snatch your gifts below before someone else does!

Snatch Your Brand Audit Workbook

If you are wanting to know if your brand is able to stand the test of time and be seen as The Standard for your industry, snatch our high-end audit workbook and find out!

Snatch Your Design Your Brand Workbook

Never heard of a brand voice? Don't worry, neither did we in the beginning... Until we learned how important it is to have a voice for your brand to really make a powerful and everlasting statement in your clients mind. Grab your copy of our Design Your Brand workbook and find out how to create your brand voice!

Snatch Your Formula for Creating a Powerful Brand Checklist

What if you had guidance for figuring out what kind of concepts you need to create a powerful brand? Now you can, you sexy raven! Grab your copy now and build a powerfully sexy brand!

Be seen in your power and set The Standard...

Come Inside... @riotbranding

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Website designed by Fearless x Femme